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Tupinamba :  SO09


Ort: New Haven, Conn
Verlag: Human Relations Area Files, Inc
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource
Schlagwort: Tupinambá
Volltext: Campuslizenz für OTH Regensburg

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Person: Beierle, John
Person: Staden, Hans
Person: Thevet, André
Person: Claude, d'Abbeville, père d
Person: Yves, d'évreux
Person: Soares de Souza, Gabriel
Person: Cardim, Fernão d
Person: Caminha, Pero Vaz de
Person: Gandavo, Pero de Magalhães d
Person: Vasconcellos, Simão de
Person: Anchieta, José de
Person: Nobrega, Manoel da
Person: Anonymous
Person: Métraux, Alfred
Person: Heriarte, Mauricio de fl
Person: Drumond, Carlos
Person: Cristóbal de, Cristóbal de b
Person: Sampaio, Theodoro
Person: Léry, Jean de
Person: Sturtevant, William C.
Titel: Tupinamba
Untertitel: SO09
Institution: Human Relations Area Files, Inc
Ort: New Haven, Conn
Verlag: Human Relations Area Files, Inc
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource
Reihe: eHRAF World Cultures
Sprache: Englisch
Bemerkung: Culture summary: Tupinamba - John Beierle - 2003 -- - Hans Staden: the true story of his captivity, 1557 - Hans Staden ; translated and edited by Malcolm Letts, with an introduction and notes - 1928 -- - The peculiarities of French Antarctica, otherwise called (French) America: the islands discovered in our times - [by] André Thevet - 1878 -- - The universal cosmography - [by] André Thevet - 1575 -- - History of a voyage to Brazil - Jean de Léry - 1880 -- - Extracts out of the Historie of John Lerius a Frenchman who lived in Brazil with mons. Villagagnon, ann. 1557- and 58 - Jean de Léry - 1906 -- - History of the mission of the Capuchin Fathers on the Isle of Maragnan and the surrounding lands - Claude d'Abbeville - 1614 -- - Journey made in the north of Brazil during the years 1613 and 1614 - Yves d'évreux - 1864 --^
Bemerkung: ^^ - Descriptive treatise on Brazil in 1587 - Gabriel Soares de Souza - 1851 -- - A treatise of Brasil AND articles touching the dutie of the kings majestie our lord, and to the common good of all the estate of Brasill - Fernão Cardim - 1906 -- - Information on the mission of Father Christavao Gouvêa to parts of Brazil in the year 83: or a narrative epistle of a trip and a Jesuit mission - Fernão Cardim - 1939 -- - Letter of Pedro Vaz de Caminha to King Manuel written from Porto Seguro of Vera Cruz the first of May 1500 - Pedro Vaz de Caminha ; translated by William Brooks Greenlee - 1938 -- - History of the Province of Santa Cruz - Pero de Magalhães, now translated for the first time and annotated by John B. Stetson, Jr., with a facsimile of the Portuguese original, 1576 - 1922 -- - Treatise on the land of Brazil - Pero de Magalhães, now translated for the first time and annotated by John B. Stetson, Jr., with a facsimile of the Portuguese original, 1576 - 1922 --^
Bemerkung: ^^ - Chronical of the Society of Jesus of the State of Brazil... - Simão de Vasconcellos ; edited by I. F. da Silva - 1865 -- - Communication on the very many natural things which dwell in the province of St. Vincent (now São Paulo) systematically described - José de Anchieta - 1812 -- - Information on the marriage of the Indians of Brazil - José de Anchieta - 1846 -- - Information on the land of Brazil - Manoel da Nobrega - 1844 [second edition 1865] -- - Information on Brazil and of its leaders - 1844 -- - The material culture of the Tupi-Guarani tribes - Alfred Métraux - 1928 -- - Description of the state of Maranhão, Pará, Corupá and Rio das Amazonas made by Mauricio de Heriarte, Auditor General and Overseer of Morals under Don Pedro de Mello, year 1662 - Mauricio de Heriarte - 1874 -- - Tupi-Guarani kinship designations, ethnography and language: volume 5 - Carlos Drumond - 1944 -- - Historical migrations of the Tupi Guarani - Alfred Métraux - 1927 --^
Bemerkung: ^^ - A relation of the great river of Amazons in South America: containing all the particulars of Father Christopher d'Acugna's voyage, made at the command of the King of Spain. Taken from the Spanish original of the said Chr. d'Acugna, Jesuit - Cristóbal de Cristóbal de - 1698 -- - The Tupinamba - Alfred Métraux - 1948 -- - Tupi in the national geography - Theodoro Fernandes Sampaio - 1928 -- - The story of André Thevet Angoumoisin, cosmographer to the King, concerning two journeys made by him the the South and West Indies, etc. - [by] André Thevet - 1928 -- - Tupinambá chiefdoms? - William C. Sturtevant - 1998
Abstract: Tupinamba was a collective term applied to a number of Tupí-Guarani speaking tribes in addition to the Tupinamba proper. Information on the Tupinamba is available from the sixteenth century until the mid-18th century, at which time they appear to have become extinct. The Tupinamba were widely dispersed along the Atlantic coast from southern Sao Paulo to the mouth of the Amazon River. Subsistence was based primarily on agriculture. This collection contains 27 documents and has a time focus from about 1550 to 1700 A.D.
Register: Culture summary: Tupinamba - John Beierle - 2003 -- - Hans Staden: the true story of his captivity, 1557 - Hans Staden ; translated and edited by Malcolm Letts, with an introduction and notes - 1928 -- - The peculiarities of French Antarctica, otherwise called (French) America: the islands discovered in our times - [by] André Thevet - 1878 -- - The universal cosmography - [by] André Thevet - 1575 -- - History of a voyage to Brazil - Jean de Léry - 1880 -- - Extracts out of the Historie of John Lerius a Frenchman who lived in Brazil with mons. Villagagnon, ann. 1557- and 58 - Jean de Léry - 1906 -- - History of the mission of the Capuchin Fathers on the Isle of Maragnan and the surrounding lands - Claude d'Abbeville - 1614 -- - Journey made in the north of Brazil during the years 1613 and 1614 - Yves d'évreux - 1864 --^ ^^ - Descriptive treatise on Brazil in 1587 - Gabriel Soares de Souza - 1851 -- - A treatise of Brasil AND articles touching the dutie of the kings majestie our lord, and to the common good of all the estate of Brasill - Fernão Cardim - 1906 -- - Information on the mission of Father Christavao Gouvêa to parts of Brazil in the year 83: or a narrative epistle of a trip and a Jesuit mission - Fernão Cardim - 1939 -- - Letter of Pedro Vaz de Caminha to King Manuel written from Porto Seguro of Vera Cruz the first of May 1500 - Pedro Vaz de Caminha ; translated by William Brooks Greenlee - 1938 -- - History of the Province of Santa Cruz - Pero de Magalhães, now translated for the first time and annotated by John B. Stetson, Jr., with a facsimile of the Portuguese original, 1576 - 1922 -- - Treatise on the land of Brazil - Pero de Magalhães, now translated for the first time and annotated by John B. Stetson, Jr., with a facsimile of the Portuguese original, 1576 - 1922 --^ ^^ - Chronical of the Society of Jesus of the State of Brazil... - Simão de Vasconcellos ; edited by I. F. da Silva - 1865 -- - Communication on the very many natural things which dwell in the province of St. Vincent (now São Paulo) systematically described - José de Anchieta - 1812 -- - Information on the marriage of the Indians of Brazil - José de Anchieta - 1846 -- - Information on the land of Brazil - Manoel da Nobrega - 1844 [second edition 1865] -- - Information on Brazil and of its leaders - 1844 -- - The material culture of the Tupi-Guarani tribes - Alfred Métraux - 1928 -- - Description of the state of Maranhão, Pará, Corupá and Rio das Amazonas made by Mauricio de Heriarte, Auditor General and Overseer of Morals under Don Pedro de Mello, year 1662 - Mauricio de Heriarte - 1874 -- - Tupi-Guarani kinship designations, ethnography and language: volume 5 - Carlos Drumond - 1944 -- - Historical migrations of the Tupi Guarani - Alfred Métraux - 1927 --^ ^^ - A relation of the great river of Amazons in South America: containing all the particulars of Father Christopher d'Acugna's voyage, made at the command of the King of Spain. Taken from the Spanish original of the said Chr. d'Acugna, Jesuit - Cristóbal de Cristóbal de - 1698 -- - The Tupinamba - Alfred Métraux - 1948 -- - Tupi in the national geography - Theodoro Fernandes Sampaio - 1928 -- - The story of André Thevet Angoumoisin, cosmographer to the King, concerning two journeys made by him the the South and West Indies, etc. - [by] André Thevet - 1928 -- - Tupinambá chiefdoms? - William C. Sturtevant - 1998
Schlagwort: Tupinambá
RVK-Notation: LB 24665
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